About me
It’s not about you, it’s about me. My name is Daniel Herzog, and I’m:
- A great non-DRY software engineer.
- A videogame pasionate.
- A software engineer.
- Contributor to the OpenSource world.
- A software engineer.
- A software engineer.
Did I tell you that I’m a software engineer?
Joking apart, I’m a junior/senior software developer who is specialized on web applications (front-end and back-end) and interactive software. I’m currently leaving on Spain (¡hola amigo!), but, if you’re searching for paella and flamenco, this blog isn’t for you.
About my work
Everything (or at least the most important) things that I’ve done are available on my project’s page. Check it out if you want to see some cool stuff!
About you
Now it’s about you! If you want to contact me to talk me about yourself, please, feel free to email me by using the footer link of this blog.